The Aphasia Research Community at USF

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PRESENTED AT THE ASHA CONVENTION, November, 2010: Poster session and three seminars. Read more...

NEW JOURNAL: Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders new issue out now. Jacqueline Hinckley serves on the Editorial Board.

TOPICS IN STROKE REHABILITATION: Jacqueline Hinckley will be serving on the Editorial Board for this journal.


Our research community envisions a time when speech-language pathologists who work daily with people with aphasia in various clinical settings will:

1. imagine the "happiest ending" for and with the person with aphasia - prioritizing the client's values - and gear therapy toward that end;

2. know how to use interventions that are efficacious based on scientific evidence, and recognize interventions that are not yet shown to be efficacious;

3. make recommendations for treatment type, treatment schedule, and prognosis based on evidence, and not solely in response to financial policy constraints and productivity pressures;

4. recognize that clinical expertise is equally important as evidence in the implementation of best practice.















"For there will be the arts

and some will call them

soft data

whereas in fact they are the hard data

by which our lives are lived"

-John Stone, M.D.